Sunday, 2 December 2012


I think presence of higher currency in any country is a sign of corrupted country.
From the above statement we can easily judge that people commit corruption with unity and managing all illegal activities legally.
By basing the present situation of India I, strongly recommend to ban higher currency i.e. rupees 500 and rupees 1000 notes, but when it come to implementation it become an ARM-CHAIR-THEORY.
According to the survey, total percentage of currency notes that are circulated in India is as follows
                        Rs 100 notes: 23%
                        Rs 500 notes: 44%
                        Rs 1000 notes: 24%
                        Remaining: 09%
Approximately fake currency in India is about 170,000 to 200,000 crores in circulation. Reserve bank of India has no right to ban the currency. Only government of India has the right to ban it. Central bank only prints the currency notes and the denominations decided by the government of India.
Per capita income is the income which is evenly dividing the nation income among the country’s total population. By comparing with other developed nations per capita income i.e. (America, Europe, Japan ) There is no need to circulate currency notes more than rupees 100 in India.


1)       It will become great blow to the corrupted people and politicians.
2)       Politicians found it very difficult to accept bribe.
3)       Government can recover the black money while exchanging.
4)       People found it very difficult to do their business.
5)       In developed countries maximum 90% of transactions are through banking system. But, for India it is about 35% to 45% only because of poverty.
6)       Keeping poor people out of banking system is not apt. hence banking services is increased in rural areas also.
“OPPORTUNITY MAKES A THIEF” so, do not give an opportunity for anyone to commit corruption.
As a responsible citizen we must support and demand to ban higher currency and make India from corruption free.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Did you know: It took a year to connect the first telephone line from New York to San Francisco. Approximately 14,000 miles of copper wire and 130,000 telephone poles were needed to link the country.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

tax code

Did you know: The U.S. Tax Code is currently more than 70,000 pages long – roughly the equivalent of 33 Oxford English Dictionaries.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sunday, 1 January 2012

The saying "What goes up must come down" is an appropriate starting point. 

If you fire a gun into the air, the bullet will travel up to a mile high (depending on the angle of the shot and the power of the gun). Once it reaches its apogee, the bullet will fall. 

Air resistance limits its speed, but bullets are designed to be fairlyaerodynamic, so the speed is still quite lethal if the bullet happens to hit someone. 

In rural areas, the chance of hitting someone is remote because the number of people is low. 
In crowded cities, however, the probability rises dramatically, and people get killed quite often by stray bullets. 

Most major cities have laws in place to try to keep people from shooting guns into the air in celebration.